Brazilian International School is committed to providing balanced and tasty meals for its students, contributing to their healthy development. To achieve this, we serve morning snacks (Early Childhood Education and Year 1), lunch (all cycles), afternoon snacks (Early Childhood Education and Year 1), and dinner (Early Childhood Education), with a diverse menu overseen by nutritionists.

Quitanda has 20 years of experience in the food industry. Its commitment to the entire BIS community is to use healthy, nutritious, tasty ingredients prepared with care, affection, and safety. The food is presented in an inviting and served with love while teaching the young ones to form deeper connections with good food and nature preservation.

Encouraging healthy eating from childhood is essential to ensuring physical and intellectual development, contributing to weight control and overall health maintenance. Additionally, parents have access to the daily menu and the children’s consumption history, giving them peace of mind that their children are eating well outside the home.

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